HUM:ARC is an international network for those interested in humanitarian architecture. It got started as a workshop in European Architecture Students Assembly EASA in Ireland in 2008 by Noora Aaltonen, Åshild Yri Åagren and Inari Virkkala. If you have something you'd like to share, please visit our facebook or send it to inari.virkkala (ät) and we'll post it to the blog!

HUM:ARC on humanitäärisen arkkitehtuurin kansainvälinen verkosto. HUM:ARC ja sen jäsenet ovat osa Ukumbi Ry:tä. Meitä yhdistää vahva sitoumus kulttuurisidonnaiseen ja ekologiseen rakentamiseen sekä osallistavaan suunnitteluun; tavoitteenamme on käyttää asiantuntemustamme kriisialueiden asukkaiden hyväksi ja samalla viedä suomalaista arkkitehtuuriosaamista maailmalle.

Saturday, 31 January 2009


According to the World Bank, educating all children worldwide will require the construction of 10 million new classrooms in more than 100 countries by 2015. At the same time, millions of existing classrooms are in serious need of repair and refurbishment. Architecture for Humanity invites you to take part in the Open Architecture Challenge 2009. You will get a chance to work with students and teachers to design the classroom of the future for a school of your choosing. Your design should address the unique challenges your school faces in trying to provide smart, safe and sustainable learning spaces.

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