HUM:ARC is an international network for those interested in humanitarian architecture. It got started as a workshop in European Architecture Students Assembly EASA in Ireland in 2008 by Noora Aaltonen, Åshild Yri Åagren and Inari Virkkala. If you have something you'd like to share, please visit our facebook or send it to inari.virkkala (ät) and we'll post it to the blog!

HUM:ARC on humanitäärisen arkkitehtuurin kansainvälinen verkosto. HUM:ARC ja sen jäsenet ovat osa Ukumbi Ry:tä. Meitä yhdistää vahva sitoumus kulttuurisidonnaiseen ja ekologiseen rakentamiseen sekä osallistavaan suunnitteluun; tavoitteenamme on käyttää asiantuntemustamme kriisialueiden asukkaiden hyväksi ja samalla viedä suomalaista arkkitehtuuriosaamista maailmalle.

Tuesday, 15 February 2011

Interesting session organised by ASF UK

“With unemployment levels amongst architects reaching almost 50% we are faced with an opportunity to rethink the scope and ambition of our professional practice. What can be done to enable ... architects to lead the architecture profession into tomorrow?

Examining where the identity of the architect as a socially disengaged and profit driven individual has come from, and questioning how and why we have lost touch with our professional remit to serve the public interest.
(Harriet Harriss)


This seminar will introduce ideas about social entrepreneurialism and expose you to basic skills needed to set up your own social enterprise.

Jonathan Essex from Bioregional, Andreas Lang from Public Works, Colin Priest from Studio Columba, Annika Grafweg and Seki Hirano from IfUntitled, Cristina Cerulli from Studio Polpo, Harriet Harriss, Katy Beinart, Nigel Lowthrop from Hill Holt Wood and more...

Some of the topics covered include:
  • The need for alternative forms of practice within architecture.
  • What is a social enterprise? Including organisational structures and operational features of social enterprises.
  • Ideas for architectural social enterprise.
  • Funding - what is this, how to get it, etc.
  • Basic principles of writing a business plan.
  • Social impact measurement.

Over the two days talks will be given on topics such as the above interspersed with case studies of organisations who push the boundaries of socially motivated design and thinking.

DATE: 2-3 APRIL 2011
TIME: 09h00 - 17h00
COST: £150 (full), £110 (discounted incl ASF members, students, pensioners, unwaged)
(Cost includes tea and coffee during the day plus lunch).

NCVO, Regent’s Wharf, 8 All Saints Street, LONDON, N1 9RL.

CONTACT: For information and bookings:

ASF-UK is a UK registered charity, concerned with education and training in the development sector. ASF-UK’s primary objective is to make global agenda issues, in particular those impacting on disadvantaged and vulnerable people, integral to the practice and teaching of architecture. For more information please go to

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