HUM:ARC is an international network for those interested in humanitarian architecture. It got started as a workshop in European Architecture Students Assembly EASA in Ireland in 2008 by Noora Aaltonen, Åshild Yri Åagren and Inari Virkkala. If you have something you'd like to share, please visit our facebook or send it to inari.virkkala (ät) and we'll post it to the blog!

HUM:ARC on humanitäärisen arkkitehtuurin kansainvälinen verkosto. HUM:ARC ja sen jäsenet ovat osa Ukumbi Ry:tä. Meitä yhdistää vahva sitoumus kulttuurisidonnaiseen ja ekologiseen rakentamiseen sekä osallistavaan suunnitteluun; tavoitteenamme on käyttää asiantuntemustamme kriisialueiden asukkaiden hyväksi ja samalla viedä suomalaista arkkitehtuuriosaamista maailmalle.

Monday, 14 February 2011

Local vs Global international workshop in Ghana

Applications are open for the ASF-UK international workshop in Ghana

Who should apply? All built environment professionals and post graduate/masters students interested in sustainable development

What will we do during the workshop? We will explore how a rapidly developing country such as Ghana, is increasingly turning its back on local construction, in favor of western principles perceived as the vision for a modern globalised society, and try and discover the effects that this is having. We will compare traditional and contemporary construction practice in Ghana and consider the social, economic and environmental impact that the changing practices are having.

The final four days of the workshop will be a hands on design and construction practicum based around a synthesis of local and global visions for a sustainable future.

How long is the workshop and when is it? Two weeks from the 3rd - 17th September 2011

Where? Ghana

Cost? £750 (full) £700 (ASF members)

We are currently offering an EARLY BIRD DISCOUNT of 10% for anyone that applies before the end of March.

How do I apply? Send queries to s.morley ät

Application deadline is 31st April 2011

Successful applicants will be notified within 14 days of this.

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