HUM:ARC is an international network for those interested in humanitarian architecture. It got started as a workshop in European Architecture Students Assembly EASA in Ireland in 2008 by Noora Aaltonen, Åshild Yri Åagren and Inari Virkkala. If you have something you'd like to share, please visit our facebook or send it to inari.virkkala (ät) and we'll post it to the blog!

HUM:ARC on humanitäärisen arkkitehtuurin kansainvälinen verkosto. HUM:ARC ja sen jäsenet ovat osa Ukumbi Ry:tä. Meitä yhdistää vahva sitoumus kulttuurisidonnaiseen ja ekologiseen rakentamiseen sekä osallistavaan suunnitteluun; tavoitteenamme on käyttää asiantuntemustamme kriisialueiden asukkaiden hyväksi ja samalla viedä suomalaista arkkitehtuuriosaamista maailmalle.

Monday, 12 December 2011

Kouk Khleang Youth Center to be on site in January 2012

Our apologies for the quietness at the HUM:ARC site! The year 2011 has been extremely active for both Komitu and the Sra Pou Vocational School team. Sra Pou was constructed in March 2011 and Komitu's Kouk Khleang Youth Center will go on site this January!

So if you happen to be in Cambodia or around next spring please do contact us or follow our doings via Komitus tweets and Ukumbi's facebook!

Komitu has also joined forces with two great organisations: Aalto Social Impact and Aidbrella!

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